About me

Hello there! I'm a software engineer with a background in chemical engineering. I recently graduated from App Academy, a highly selective coding bootcamp where I learned JavaScript, React, Redux, Node, SQL, MongoDB, Ruby on Rails and AWS. I am currently seeking a a full-stack position where I can grow as a software engineer and create technologies that make the lives of my community better.


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS



HoloCron, a Facebook clone, is a social media application that allows users to post content which can be viewed by other users as well as building a personalized profile to display their posts that other users can follow. Built using Ruby on Rails and React.



TalentShare is a social media application with a focus on user-generated content that revolves around art, photography, music, and dance. It provides a platform for creatives to showcase their work, gain exposure, and chat with their fans. Built with MERN Stack.


Shoot Your Shot

Basketball shot game created using HTML Canvas and Vanilla Javascript. Players can play a easy to pick up game where they can throw a ball into a hoop to score points using their mouse to the views of the beautiful Venice Beach basketball courts.

